God is not looking for bystanders. God is looking for people to be actively involved participants in what He is doing. What is God doing? He is seeking out lost people and He wants us to do whatever it takes to find them.
At one time, every one of us was lost. Many still are. In Luke 15 we find the parable of the lost sheep and the parable of the lost coin. In these stories, God reveals His heart for the lost. Jesus was criticized by the Pharisees for welcoming sinful people into His circle. The Pharisees spent their time building barriers and avoiding the same people whom Jesus was actively seeking out. God is telling us that lost people matter a great deal to Him. Because people matter to God, people matter to us. At Family Church we are searching for lost people. The parables in Luke 15 remind us that we were once lost. A Christian is merely a beggar who found bread. Now it is our job to share the bread of life with every other beggar. At Family Church we believe that each person is worth effort, time and sacrifice. We don’t want people to feel judged or criticized; we want them to feel valued. We rejoice when sinners are found. Family Church exists to search and rescue – and has existed for this purpose since 1901. Until very recently Family Church, formerly First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach, had one location. We now have a vision to plant a network of neighborhood churches throughout the county. Our goal is to plant 100 new churches in Palm Beach County and across South Florida. Family Church supports families. We realize that families come in many different shapes and sizes. Some people are married, some are not, and some have had multiple marriages. Some are single parents. Some are straight, and some are gay. Some are grandparents raising grandchildren, or aunts and uncles raising nieces and nephews. However your family looks, we want this church to be for you. Where there are strong families, there is strong community. God is changing our county one heart and life at a time.