CFTROU 0147: Finding Your Leadership Voice in 90 Days: Kadi Cole
In this bonus episode, we welcome our guest, Kadi Cole. She is talking to us about her new book, Finding Your Leadership Voice in 90 Days. Kadi has a passion for serving the community by working with leaders to increase their effectiveness in whatever role of influence they have been given. We explore issues surrounding women in leadership roles, specifically in the world of ministry. Kadi talks about the resources she offers in her new book and how they are geared toward kickstarting a mindset shift in the women who read it, so that they feel empowered in whatever role or responsibilities they have. In today’s conversation, Kadi also shares tips for pastors who want to help create an environment in their churches that build women up.
Key Points From This Episode:
Key Points:
How Kadi discovered challenges women in leadership positions were facing.
What led Kadi to write her first book: Developing Female Leaders.
Tips for women in leadership positions who are feeling like imposters.
The questions that Kadi was being asked by women and how she responded.
Stereotypes about women that Kadi held and how she noticed them.
- The role of stereotypes in creating an environment that is discouraging for women.
How important it is to confront biases and get women leaders involved in the church.
The way the church trains women to act and how this jeopardizes their leadership skills.
Women’s struggles that led Kadi to write Find Your Leadership Voice in 90 Days.
The messages around overcoming insecurity and mental breakthroughs in the book.
Steps that pastors can take to make their church more supportive and celebrating of women.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
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