CFTROU 0162: Faithful Neighborhood Mission-Based Presence with Brandon Shields
Contrary to what is believed, there is immense power in preaching less, deepened listening, holding space, and hosting critical conversations. Brandon Shields, an author and passionate Man of God is here to discuss his family’s journey of taking a leap of faith, moving to Indianapolis, planting their roots, and seeing the fruition of God’s plan. You will hear how Brandon and Emily were intentionally willing to go where the spirit of God was working and how this lead them on the path of creating a neighborhood church. Brandon explains the power of slow, organic growth and the importance of presence, proximity, and particularity. Brandon explains the importance of meditating and soaking in the gospels, how to slow down and listen, and why a neighborhood church may be what you are needing!
Key Points:
Brandon’s involvement in Harbor Network.
How Brandon planted his roots in Indianapolis and began his mission of creating a church.
Presence, proximity, and particularly: three key elements in Brandon’s journey.
The active role Brandon plays in his community.
The failures and struggles Brandon faced.
The power of hospitality.
Moving from talking to practicing.
How Brandon has helped start other neighborhood churches.
The book of John, Luke, and Jeremiah as guides for understanding the actions of Jesus.
Opportunities that are missed when the only focus is growth and reproduction.
The power of the neighborhood church.
How to pay attention to Jesus intentionally.
We failed early, often, and fast. We didn’t quit and kept asking ‘God, what do You doing?. Click To TweetSome of the beauty of a neighborhood church is the depth, although you don’t have the width, you have the depth and the intimacy and simplicity and opportunities for embodiment Click To TweetPay attention to not just what Jesus said, but the way that Jesus lived Click To Tweet
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
The Church and Its Vocation on Amazon
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