CFTROU 0167: The Power Of The Neighborhood Church: Finale with J.T. English
Key Points From This Episode:
• J.T.’s background, his family, and his ministry in Nevada.
• His spiritual awakening in college and the meeting of his wife as a providence of God.
• How Storyline Church reaches and impacts his neighborhood.
• The difference between pastoring in communities where you’re known versus unknown.
• How J.T. creates a warm and welcoming environment for people receiving the Word.
• What pastors are missing regarding the ideas and potentiality of neighborhood churches.
• How the neighborhood church is contextualized in The Bible.
• The basics of discipleship according to J.T.
• What it means to lead with discipleship.
• The steps that our guest encourages new Christians to take.
• Diving into J.T.’s book, Deep Discipleship.
You have to maintain relationships. As soon as we close relationships off, we can’t reach the world. Organic, open relationships allow us to stay connected to the community. Click To TweetPeople are not afraid of commitment; they’re afraid of committing to things that don’t matter. Click To TweetIf you win them with relevance, you’ll lose them to the next relevant thing. If you win them with excellence, you’ll lose them to the next excellent thing. We want to win people with the true,deep gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to lead… Click To Tweet
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Pastor J.T. English on LinkedIn
Pastor J.T. English on Twitter
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