CFTROU 0181: Neighborhood Church, Building, Pastor & Language
In our last episode, we discussed the transition from the megachurch model to the neighborhood church model. In this episode we will continue to get to know Pastor Todd Gaston, Pastor Kevin Smith, and Pastor Jose DaSilva and get to know more about the expression of our neighborhood churches. You will learn how the neighborhood church draws people in. Our guests also talk about the four components of this model and how to maintain a balance between the individual expression of the congregation of each neighborhood church with the standardization of the Family Church experience at each location. Our guests also talk about how a pastor launches a new Family Church campus. Lastly, we are reminded to take joy in the church families we are part of and do life with.
Key Points From This Episode:
- A recap of our last episode and continue the conversation.
- Our guests allow us to get to know some of our neighborhood churches and what makes each of them distinct.
- The strength of the neighborhood church model.
- The four components that make up the Family Church family of neighborhood churches.
- How to balance standardization and personalization as a neighborhood church pastor.
- What a pastor needs to do to lead the launch of a new campus.
In our metropolitan environment, we think starting small, neighborhood churches is the best way for us to use our resources, to do our part in pursuing the great commission. Click To TweetAs I heard Pastor Jimmy’s vision about the power of the neighborhood church, something in my spirit leaped. Click To TweetThe neighborhood church gives you great enthusiasm for church planting and for sending your best. It's a model you're committed to versus an accumulation. Click To Tweet
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