This article was written by a friend, Warren Mainard, pastor of Essential Church – First Published on NACPF

How do I know if God is calling me to be a part of this church plant?” That is the question that I have been asked a number of times over the past year as I have sat with a variety of men and women whom I have approached about joining our church plant team.  As someone who has been in vocational ministry for 17 years, I have become more sensitive to, and perhaps more familiar with God’s calling process in my life than most lay people.  So, when a church planter sits down with a Godly layperson and asks him or her to relocate himself and his whole family across the country to help plant a church, it can cause that layperson to begin asking questions of himself and God that he has never considered before.

What would you tell that person sitting across the table from you?  How would you guide them to seek God’s will for his or her life and the lives of his family?  The answers are not easy, nor should they be.  The truth is, that seeking God’s will and determining God’s call are usually a very difficult and trying experience.  Yet, in the process, we often find ourselves more dependent on God, more fervent in our prayers, and more sensitive to His Holy Spirit than ever before.  This, I believe, is all a significant part in God’s divine leading process.  So, as you find yourself seeking to give someone guidance, consider the following guide as a toolbox for a layperson determining God’s call into church planting.

There is no “one way” to determine God’s calling:  During this process, I have heard people use expressions such as, “I am waiting for my burning bush experience” or “put out a fleece,” in relation to determining God’s calling and will for their lives.  It is important to remember that Moses is the only one in the history of the world to stumble upon a burning bush, and Gideon is the only person that has ever successfully determined God’s will by putting out a “fleece.”  Only Paul saw a bright light on the road to Damascus and Balaam is the only man to determine God was speaking to him through a donkey.  The point is, these are not normative experiences for Christians.  God’s calling, while distinct, will be unique to each person.  There are, however, some principles and practices that we can follow to better help us navigate others through their understanding of God’s will and calling in their lives.

Calling begins with a vision or a revelation from God.  This does not necessarily imply a supernatural experience, but rather an immediate or growing sense that God is revealing a part of His Kingdom plan in order that you might participate in it.  This process of calling can manifest itself through:

  • Becoming aware of a need or a problem that results in an intense burden.  Often times, when we see a need and have a growing desire to see God bring resolution to that need, it can be an indicator that God may be calling you to be a part of His plan in that area of ministry.
  • Prayer and fasting.  Taking intentional time away with the Lord to focus on Him and His call in your life is essential in sorting through the clutter that fills our lives.  In these times of quiet reflection, God often allows us to hear Himself more clearly.
  • A fresh understanding of Scripture.  Many times, a scripture or set of scriptures will begin to speak and convict us in a new way as we become aware that God is preparing our hearts for something new.
  • The vision or experience of a fellow believer.  It may be that you have not received a vision for a ministry, but upon hearing the vision of another leader or believer, you find yourself compelled to join him in that vision.

Calling can come in a variety of ways including:

  • A calling to a people group.  It may be a calling to reach teenagers, divorced Mom’s, African orphans, or Senior adults.  Often this calling begins with a passion for reaching and ministering to a specific group of people, without a clear understanding as to how one is to reach them or where one is to go in order to reach them.  Biblical Example:  Paul, Moses.
  • A calling to a position.  Some may be called to preach or pastor, others called to student ministry or worship ministry, or some other type of ministry. This calling to a ministry often leads a person to receive formal training in a specific ministry area or to pursue a ministry position that fits their sense of calling.  Often times, this calling may not specifically relate to a particular group of people or place.  Biblical Example:  Peter, Paul, Stephen.
  • A calling to a place. Some individuals may sense a calling to go to a certain place, a city, a state, or a nation without a clear understanding of what they are supposed to do and whom they are intended to minister to.  This calling says, “Here am I, send me” and trusts that God will, in turn, give them a clear vision for what they are to do and whom they are to reach as they pursue their calling. Biblical Example:  Isaiah, Jonah, Abram.

The process of determining whether or not God is calling you into church planting will likely not be identical to those of other team members.  Some may feel called to join the church plant team because they have experienced a sense of calling to a particular people group whom the church has a vision of reaching.  The ministry position and the location of the church plant may have little or no bearing on your decision to respond to God’s call.  In other words, if you have experienced a call to reach a certain people group whom this church plant is seeking to reach, it is not mandatory or necessary that you also have experienced an accompanying call to a particular ministry position within the church or a calling to that particular location.  Similarly, you may have experienced a call to a particular ministry position, which you may have an opportunity to fill at this church plant.  It is not necessary that you have experienced a direct calling to a people group or the intended church plant location in order for you to be obedient in responding to this call.  Finally, you may be called to the city or country where this church is being planted, but you have not received any clarity as to how the Lord desires to use you in that context. If the Lord is truly leading you, He will fill in the gaps of your calling as you proceed in obedience.  As you minister and serve in the new church plant, God will give you a love for the people He has called you to serve, a passion for the ministry He has called you to complete, and a burden for the city He has called you to reach.

Five key questions to ask in order to determine God’s will in a decision-making situation.

SURRENDER–Am I committed to doing God’s will in this situation? (Romans 12:1-2)

DESIRE—Do I have any desire to pursue this opportunity in church planting? (Psalm 37:4)

FAITH–Do I believe God can provide the power and resources necessary if I obey Him? (Philippians 2:13)

PEACE–Has God given me a sense of peace as I continue in obedience to this call? (Isaiah 26:3)

GODLY COUNSEL–Do godly advisers affirm this calling to plant a church? (see next section for more info on this question) (Proverbs 15:22)

Calling is affirmed through Godly counsel and affirmation:

Godly Counsel:  Whether you are confident or unsure of your calling to serve with a church plant, it is important to seek out Godly counsel from trusted Pastors and friends.  Do not ask a Pastor or friend whether or not you are “called”, for that is something they cannot confidently answer.  Instead, ask them questions such as:

  • Am I spiritually qualified to serve in a church plant?
  • Do you see me being successful in this ministry context?
  • If asked, would you recommend me for the church plant team?
  • Do you have any strong concerns in regards to me involvement on this team?


Affirmation:  While affirmation alone is not enough to determine a calling into church planting, it is beneficial in confirming that call.  Those who know you best may often be the ones who are most able to affirm whether or not God is calling you to be a part of a church plant.

Key Scriptures to read when considering God’s will for you in church planting:

Romans 12:1-2—“Therefore, I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God—which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Psalms 37:4—“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

Philippians 2:13—“for it is God who works in you to will and to do his good pleasure”

1 Thessalonians 5:24—“Faithful is He who calls who also will bring it to pass”

Isaiah 26:3—“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts you.”

Matthew 28:19-20—“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Acts 1:8— “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” 

Church planter, as you guide prospective church plant team members through this process, remember that God will call the team whom He desires to be a part of this new church.  It will be tempting to fantasize about a “dream team” of people who would be “perfect” for your new church plant.  However, you may find yourself discouraged when not all of the potential team members sense the calling to join your church plant team.  Do not try to convince or manipulate individuals to join the team but simply trust that whomever God calls will be sufficient for you to begin your new work.  Remember, Proverbs 3:5-6 as you assemble your church plant team- “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding.  In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”