CFTROU 0046B1: Building Momentum to Christmas
Key Points:
- Overview of the three intentional goals for building Fall momentum into Christmas.
- Creating happy memories for unchurched people.
- The power of the nativity scene for building inclusiveness and interconnectedness.
- Understanding the importance of creating experiences that build community.
- How something as simple as a kid’s choir can draw people in.
- Planning first-serve experiences for people at Christmas.
- Most effective strategies for inviting people to church for Christmas.
- Four ways to teach a culture of invite.
- Equipping people to make the invitation.
- Understanding the makeup of your community to choose the right Christmas service times.
Churches need to know how to leverage the Fall to move into Christmas. Click To TweetWe want to move people from in-laws to family…move them from being guests to being part of the family. This is how we want church to feel for people. Click To TweetThe whole world is marketing happy memories and as churches we are creating experiences that represent something greater – something eternal. Click To TweetChristmas matters especially in this country and churches need to leverage it in order to maximize our impact to reach people we aren’t reaching and engage people we aren’t engaging. Click To Tweet
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