CFTROU 0123: Regathering During COVID-19: Performance Reviews
Key Points:
- Pastor Keith talks about his role and how it has changed as a result of COVID-19
- Tools we’ve made use of in this season.
- What a typical year-end review looked like, prior to COVID-19.
- How we’ve restructured communication and feedback as a result of COVID-19.
- The goal with is to encourage and not to ambush.
- Resources available when reviewing the performance of both staff and volunteers.
- The importance of intentional conversations throughout the year. Maximizing opportunities to reflect and write down what we learn.
- The importance of including the right people in constructive feedback conversations.
Year-end reviews should never be a surprise to anyone, good or bad. The things you’re doing well and the areas where you have opportunities for growth and development — you should already know those, as well. Click To TweetIf you come into the year-end evaluation and I ambush you with something that you’ve never even thought about, then I am not doing something right as a supervisor. Click To Tweet
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