CFTROU 0124: Regathering During COVID-19: First Impressions
As we regather, we made some changes regarding our hospitality teams and processes in our new reality. On this episode we detail how we have navigated these changes. We noticed that people are willing to come back to church in person, however, they are doing that at their own pace. Today on the show we are joined by Bev Bonner, who oversees our connections, groups, and overall First Impressions of Family Church Downtown. Pastor Daniel Martin, who serves at Family Church Sherbrooke as the Administrative Pastor, joins the conversation and shares his insight on shepherding groups at his campus. Even though we have been in the process of regathering for several months, we are still learning a lot as we figure out how we do church in a post-pandemic reality.
Key Points:
- Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.
- How COVID-19 has changed the conversation and team in First Impressions as we regather.
- How to work with volunteer teams in a post-pandemic environment.
- How phasing in commitment has impacted the growth of our serving teams.
- Adjusting to change as we navigate the new normal.
- Updating our safety regulations as we regather and managing expectations of people who attend Family Church (what does a visit entail).
- Embracing virtual meetings in a post-pandemic environment.
You can't go faster than your people are willing to go, especially right now. So, until they are ready to take another step, you can’t get out ahead of them. Click To Tweet”The Click To Tweet are willing to go. If they are only willing to go for a shorter-term commitment, then that’s what we’ve got to go with right now — until they are comfortable.” username=”BevBonner”]
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