CFTROU 0133: Church Reimagined: Church Revitalizations with Mark Clifton from NAMB
In previous years, churches that were less attended were ultimately destined to close their doors for good. However, these days there is a new trend towards revitalizing and replanting these churches. Today we are joined by Mark Clifton, Senior Director of Church Replanting at the North American Mission Board and author of Reclaiming Glory: Revitalizing Dying Churches. Mark feels that when a church closes down, God’s glory is at stake in that community. Together we discuss the burgeoning interest in replanting churches and how COVID-19 has influenced this. We talk about the differences between a church that needs to be revitalized and a church that needs to be replanted. Mark gives some helpful tips on what causes churches to die in the first place and provides great resources for churches that need help. Tune in to hear more.
Key Points:
- The need for a church to examine itself and be realistic about its condition and trajectory.
- A look at the type of wins churches are gaining from replanting.
- The process of the adoption of a church by another church.
- The problem of lack of leadership in dying churches.
- The difference between a church that can be revitalized and a church that needs to be replanted.
- The correlation between the death of a church and disobedience.
- Questions around whether a church needs a new pastor to replant.
- Advice for a pastor of a small or medium-sized church that needs to be revitalized.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Reclaiming Glory: Revitalizing Dying Churches
Biblical Church Revitalization
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