CFTROU 0136: Church Reimagined: Redefining & Rethinking Bivocational Leaders
Key Points:
- An introduction to Jimmy Paul, his family, and his full-time job.
- How Jimmy serves at Family Church as a bi-vocational pastor.
- How he was led to leave his life in Illinois and do the residency program in South Florida.
- What it was like for him and his family to be part of the residency program.
- How he feels about his calling in the college ministry.
- How Family Church has helped him become successful as a bi-vocational
- The importance of his whole family being involved in the process.
- How the program works: they don’t send him out alone, he is part of a team.
- The importance of having a group of pastors’ wives that support each other.
- Thoughts on full-time ministry vs part-time ministry with a full-time job.
- Advice for anyone else who is considering becoming a bi-vocational pastor: just do it!
- The value of speaking to other bi-vocational pastors before you choose this path.
- Advice for pastors trying to encourage people to step into bi-vocational
- The importance of over-communicating and extending grace to bi-vocational
I love being in both worlds where we can celebrate what God’s doing and also being around people that aren’t Christians that are challenging how I think, and it makes me a lot more compassionate when I do get up and teach. Click To TweetI would say that bi-vocational ministry is the future of the church. Some hybrid of vocational pastors that are paid, bi-vocational pastors that are unpaid or paid less, that is the future of the church! Click To Tweet
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
The Math Doesn’t Work: Why the Future of Church Planting is Bi-Vocational
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