CFTROU 0144: Be an Innovator
We continue to unpack our Family Church Leadership Principles. In this episode, Pastor Todd Thomas and Pastor Seth Carter join the conversation. We talk about the kind of people we want to be as we love, serve, and shepherd people in our church or in any other place where we have influence. Today is a big one, in terms of our leadership principles, and one of Pastor Jimmy’s favorites. We discuss being innovators! Join us today as we dive into this principle and learn more about how we can establish a great church culture and organization!
Key Points:
How we define being an innovator: being courageous about creating, and embracing change, keeping the future in view!
The scripture we based this principle on: Mark 2:22.
What being an innovator means to Todd; innovation is key in moving forward.
How innovation influences Pastor Sean’s team in the creative world.
How change has an impacting factor in church; but without change, we are committed to certain death.
Why it’s important to distinguish between doctrinal change and cultural change in the church.
A great question churches should ask themselves: What would you change if you could start with a blank slate?
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
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