CFTROU 0149: A Church for Every Neighborhood
In this episode, our guests are Todd Gaston and Jim Tomberlin, two pioneers of the multisite church movement. Pastor Todd is the Campus Pastor of Family Church North Stuart. Jim has written a book, Better Together, and tells the amazing story of how he began working with multisite churches. You’ll also hear about some of the trends in the multi-church pre-COVID and today. Todd and Jim share some of the benefits of multisite, including sustainability, cost effectiveness, and community. You’ll learn why strong, stuck, and struggling churches are all great candidates for the multi-church model, and what it means to adopt a hybrid system. You’ll hear what churches need to focus on to best adopt a multi-site mission, and why people are so attracted to community and neighborhood church.
Key Points:
An introduction to today’s two guests, Todd Gaston and Jim Tomberlin.
The most recent version of their book, Better Together, that has recently been published.
The merger that Todd is in the middle of, launching on February 13.
Jim tells the story of how he started pioneering multi-site churches before it was cool.
Trends each of them are seeing in the multi-site church.
Why multisite is more sustainable and more cost effective than the mega-church model.
How multisite facilitates community in a way that larger churches are unable to do.
Why strong, stuck and struggling churches are all great candidates for the multi-church.
What the hybrid model means, including on-site and online.
How pastors react to the idea that small is the new big.
Why the multisite model is so well suited to small to medium size churches.
Why what every church needs to do is to reproduce who they are.
What the attraction to community and neighborhood churches is all about.
Why more people are getting into live teaching.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
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