CFTROU 0155: Multicultural Multisite Church
In today’s episode, we continue our series on Multisite Church for the Rest of Us, with a topic near and dear to Pastor Jimmy’s heart, and that is being a multicultural multisite church! We have some really amazing guests with us today, Pastor Chuck Carter, lead pastor at Family Church Central Florida, a multicultural, multisite church in the Orlando area, and Pastor Watson Vasconcelos, who runs the full-on Portuguese service on Sunday nights. Lastly, we welcome Pastor Kevin Smith who spends his life predominantly focusing on Ephesians Four. Join us today as we talk through the different definitions of a multicultural church, why it’s important to express the different cultures explicitly, and Pastor Kevin helps to define some cultural distinctives that are important to be aware of, and we end off the discussion talking through some challenges you might run into as you establish a multicultural church! Don’t miss out on today’s episode!
Key Points:
- Ps. Kevin defines multicultural church: divisions the love of Christ is able to overcome.
- We hear Ps. Chuck’s added input to defining what a multicultural church is.
- Why a multicultural church is more of a salad than a melting pot!
- Ps. Wadson shares his own take on multicultural gatherings.
- The importance of explicit different expressions so that others can recognize the multicultural aspect.
- We talk about the impact of the book of Acts on the coming together of different cultures and how context matters.
- How to become multicultural; the context of your community and who is on the platform matters!
- The importance of cultural competencies and why you need to examine them.
- Kevin addresses some cultural distinctives: multiracial, multiethnic, and multicultural.
- Challenges you can expect to face when trying to establish a multicultural church.
- We discuss prejudices and perspectives and why leaders need to take them into account.
- We end the conversation with one piece of advice from each of our guests!
We want to make sure that we are allowing for multicultural expressions of our faith in Jesus Christ. Click To Tweet One of the challenges of being a multicultural church is to be one with balance. Click To Tweet
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