CFTROU 0159: The Power Of The Neighborhood Church: A Conversation With Pastor Freddy T. Wyatt
When essential foundational blocks in local neighborhood churches are in place, churches get healthy and things flourish! Welcome back as we continue with our series on the Power of the Neighborhood Church, today, with our guest, Pastor Jay Strother. He is the pastor at The Church at Station Hill and a part of the Brentwood Baptist Church family of churches. He’s an influential speaker, writer, thinker, strategist, and incredible preacher. Tune in to hear from Pastor Jay about the story behind their church and the larger role he plays. He shares with us the strategy they implement to reach their local neighborhoods and how they navigate the different communities through their eight different campuses across Tennessee. They have a heart to strengthen and encourage the neighborhood churches, along with other like-minded Gospel churches, and they want to ensure Godly leadership that is crystal clear on the Gospel! Don’t miss out on this great conversation with Jay, in another episode of Church, for the Rest of Us!
Key Points:
- Jay shares his, and his team’s, experience at the Church for the Rest of Us conference.
- More about Pastor Jay, his family, and the story behind their neighborhood church.
- Jay shares more about his role in his neighborhood church and in the larger church family.
- The strategy they use to reach their local neighborhood and community: Disciples multiplying Disciples (DxD).
- The four ways they go about their DxD strategy.
- How they differentiate their strategy amongst their campuses and
- Examples of unique things happening at and through the different neighborhood churches.
- Their mission at The Church at Station Hill.
- The importance of healthy neighborhood churches.
- What the neighborhood church means to Jay and his family.
- Advice on how to re-engage in your community: get outside the walls of your church!
- Bible passages that stand out to Jay in the incarnational neighborhood idea.
- He elaborates on why they, as a team, have been focusing on Acts 14.
”Our Click To Tweet — we call it DxD for Disciples multiplying Disciples. Our goal is to engage every single member of our church as a participant and not as a spectator” username=”jaystrother”]We lead with the campus identity, the community identity, first, because we just want to be the hands and feet of Jesus in that local community. Click To TweetOur mission statement is: Engaging the whole person, with the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ, any time, anywhere, with anybody Click To Tweet
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