CFTROU 0191: Is It Time to Change Your Church’s Name?
Today on Church for the Rest of Us, we pose a question: Do you think it’s time to change the name of your church? If this is something that you’ve had on your heart, then do not miss out on our conversation as we share insights on how to go about changing the name of your church! We’re gladly joined by two incredible guests to dive into this subject, Todd Thomas, the pastor at Family Church Sherbrooke and leader of our campus pastors; and Winner Olmann, the pastor at Family Church Lake Park. We delve into three reasons why any church might think about changing its name, why we changed our church’s name, what you could potentially lose by proceeding with the change, and what you can gain from the change! We trust this episode will inspire and encourage you in your journey to reach your community with the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Key Points From This Episode:
- How and why we opted for a name change (implementing it gradually over some time).
- What it’s like to change your name when you’re planting something new.
- Winner speaks to the experience they underwent changing the name of their school.
- We discuss the potential things you can lose by changing your church’s name.
- The importance of laying the right groundwork with the right leaders.
- Encouragements on changing your church’s name.
CFTROU 0191: Is It Time to Change Your Church’s Name? Click To TweetIdeally, you want a name that accurately reflects the mission and vision you have for your church in your community. Click To Tweet
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