CFTROU 0208: Kids: Leading Elementary Kids Worship
Today, we’re diving into Elementary Kids Worship at Family Church, known as The Treehouse. Joining us are Zack Rickards and Erica Brooks. In our conversation, we dive into the philosophy behind why we line up all our teachings on a Sunday, discuss what Kids Worship looks like at Family Church, and explain why we decided to have separate worship for adults and kids. We break down how the team outlines and plans Treehouse worship experiences, unpack the different elements incorporated to help share the big idea of the week, and share ways we ensure our kids build intentional Biblical literacy.
Key Points From This Episode:
- Zack defines what Kids Worship looks like at Family Church.
- What changed Pastor Jimmy’s mind about having separate Kids worship.
- Break down how they outline and plan the Treehouse worship experience.
- The intention behind Treehouse as a church for kids.
- We unpack the elements incorporated into Treehouse and how they help share the big idea.
- The different ways we ensure our kids build intentional Biblical literacy.
- How we’d advise other churches to begin their own Kids Worship.
”Our Click To Tweet. — We want our Kids ministry to be an extension of the total ministry of the church, not an alternative” username= “JimmyScroggins”]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Church for the Rest of Us on X
Church for the Rest of Us Conference
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