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CFTROU 210: Kids: Starting the Leadership Pipeline | 5th Grade Young Leaders

Family Church is unique for many reasons, but one of the most prominent ones is its 5th grade young leaders program – where their leadership pipeline begins. Joining us to talk about our 5th grade young leaders are Zack Rickards and Tyler Hamilton. Tuning in, you’ll hear all about the importance of having a leadership pipeline, why Family Church starts it at the 5th grade level, what the 5th grade young leaders program is, how to become a leader, and what their responsibilities are. We go on to discuss the family commitment that comes with being a 5th grade young leader before touching on the importance of making sure all members participate in the running of the church. We even hear about some of our guest’s most excellent 5th grade young leaders. Finally, we discuss the benefits of young leadership programs.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • The importance of having a leadership pipeline and why Family Church starts in 5th grade. 
  • What the 5th grade young leaders program is, how kids become leaders, and their roles. 
  • The kinds of things parents need to commit to when their kids are 5th grade leaders. 
  • Why we want everyone to be involved in Family Church through deliberate participation. 
  • The benefits of young leadership programs and a reminder not to underestimate kids. 

Don’t underestimate just how valuable and how gifted these kids are. Click To TweetChrist should be the center of your life in all aspects. Click To Tweet

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Jimmy on X

Leslee on X 

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