Year round tropical weather, beaches, palm trees, and millions of people who need to hear the gospel of Jesus…if this sounds like a place you would be interested in planting a church, South Florida is perfect for you. At Family Church, we have residency programs that train and equip future pastors, associate pastors, worship pastors, and student or kids ministry leaders. Our March 4-6 preview weekend is a great opportunity to come learn more about our programs and the need for church plants in South Florida.
A unique blend of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds comes together in South Florida. We are also surrounded by millions of people who have never been to church or have disconnected from church. Ministering to our community means reaching out to a diverse group of people with a diverse group of leaders and church planters. We have both English and Spanish language residency programs to accommodate some of these needs. During the preview weekend, you will meet our church leaders and members of the program and visit some of our church plants.
To find out more information about this exciting opportunity, go to or To register, email Mark Warnock at